Pfister Comet SR Now Available in GTA Online – GTA 5...

Like everyone in Los Santos, you’ve got fond memories of the original Pfister Comet. Cruising through Vinewood with a bellyful of Bull Shark Testosterone...

GTA 5 Cars and Vehicles

Cars and other vehicles in GTA 5.


Protagonists – In Grand Theft Auto V you take control of three different characters. Each of the characters...

GTA 5 Character Skills

Each of the three main characters in GTA V have different skills. Learn more about GTA 5 character skills for Michael, Trevor, and Franklin.

GTA 5 Achievements And Trophies

A complete list of Achievements and Trophies in Grand Theft Auto V.

12 New GTA 5 Heists Vehicles

Heists is available now on GTA 5, with it brings 12 new vehicles. Here's a list of all of the vehicles found in the DLC.

Secret Boss Bounty from Gang Attacks – GTA 5 Home

Watch this video below to learn about a secret boss battle available in GTA Online. For this to happen, you need to...

LS Customs

Residents of Los Santos take great pride in their cars.They spend the majority of the day in them. They ignore their families in them....

28 New Photos of GTA 5 Heists

Here's 28 new photos of Heists to keep you busy until Tuesday.

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